
When Ballerinas Turn Real: Abigail’s Shocking Reveal

After watching a scary movie like Abigail, the famous horror show, as a young girl, the next time a cute ballerina jumps across the room, you will take a minute to freeze in disbelief. Universal’s new venture in horror has Timila Weir as one of the highlighted faces, and you probably loved her as young Matilda in Netflix’s Roald Dahl’s Matilda: The Musical, But this one is hard R rated gore fest. No singalongs here, just shrieks and wails.

To say that Matt Bettinelli_Olpin, Tyler Gillett and Chad Villeta, who are behind movies like Scream and Scary Movie, are out of control in Scream 5 would be an understatement. To begin with, Timila Weirs Abigail doesn’t hold back, her spliting twirls surely is not in anyone’s expectation. In fact the directors were hasty to apologize post production to the cast for the sheer amount of fake blood used as well. It is so excessive that you no longer find it bothersome, and instead find it amusing.

Embrace the delirium

Abigail begins with a twist. Similar to how The Cabin in the Woods threw us into the most banal of sets with offices, this movie begins with a much more lighthearted tone: a group of criminals who wish to kidnap a young girl who is arriving at a deserted mansion. Just as this synopsis states, there’s much more than meets the eye.

The indeed display a strong charismatism: Kathryn Newton (Freaky) makes Slammy mischievous turn into a troublemaking fun-loving kid and also Kevin Durand (Lost) acts menacing even as mere muscle, Further adding to one of his last on screen roles Angus Cloud plays the Fezco from Euphoria’s energy into Dean, the opportunistic car driver. The most twisted character has Dan Stevens of a criminal mastermind Frank whose accent could laugh him off but together with his twirled mustache it is anything but comedy because he shows maximum action.

Melissa Barrera (Scream VI) packs that electricity She plays Joey, a fix for the morally torn part of the team. We all recall Frank cursing and Dean being a nuisance, Joey was the original kit even before it was invented the one who seemed to keep everything sound to a good extent.

Respite Before Violence

The plan is quite easy: Hold Abigail until they get their ten million dollars. Now, Esposito steals the spotlight portraying a crime kingpin that has a menacing aura, who I think, will give the world a free run for their money. Esposito doesn’t hold back from his usual ‘don’t cross me’ demeanor and puts on quite a show filled with underlying hostility.

You should know better than to think that the calm will last or has a chance of lasting if you have watched a single vampire movie. There is always this calm before the storm. The anticipation does create a bit of tension whilst waiting to make the deal, the writing encapsulates great character development. In between the planning and the sarcasm, Joey slowly starts to peel away the core of the group – what motivates them? Is it greed? Remorse? Despair? Or something more sinister?

Blood Ballet

The sanguineous massacre commences as Abigail displays her true heartbreaking self – A manipulative psychopath that reeked havoc with a very core desire of achieving vengeance. Weir puts on a awe spawning show – A mixture of childlike innocence and gruesome savagery as she puts the rest on a killing spree.

During the events of the third act, the carnage takes a new and chilling position. It spills everywhere with abandon like water bursting from the taps at a chaotic party. And while there’s a real and strong sense of chaos to it all, the killings are uniquely twisted in their very own right. However, some audiences may deem this too much, especially for a film that never really aspired to be real.

Taking Violence Which Is Understood

Even after discomforting and brutal war violence, Abigail knows how to enjoy herself. The violence done seems to have its own humor but Abel’s delivery of absurd jokes coupled with Kreiger’s fighting scene makes the whole setting humous.

At the same time though, Barrera plays Joey who compassionately carries the burden during Abigail’s rage by actively responding and controlling the tempers. And I think its fair to say their both right, that the character of Sam Carpenter resonates ably with Joey.

A Gory Curtain Call

So, while there is uncertainty with regards to franchise their cameo’s bring, it’s pretty sure that Radio Silence does disturb chaos and provides entertainment. They are always entertaining and even if their swings don’t always work, it’s very certain that they love taking chances.

For fans of horror comedies and for those who are comfortable with a lot of gore, Abigail is mayhem that is worth experiencing. Just do not be shocked if the next child you see in a tutu is one you feel the urge to side-eye.

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