The Seventh Company Has Been Found

Overview Andr Release

On a Retrouvé la 7e compagnie, the 7th Company Was Found film was released on April 11, 1975 is a sequel film to now where did the 7th company get to which was premiered in 1973. The film continues the story of the French soldiers who during W.W.2, on losing the war came up with frantic strategies and plans to avoid getting imprisoned. The film was popular due to its humor encapsulating a satirical view waged during the war and lighthearted theme making it an instant hit in France and a treasured modern classic in comedy films.

Plot Summary

Following the events of the previous film, Tassin, Pithiviers and Chaudard ,struggled in the last film to avoid grudging capture by the Germans, regroup and devise vague plans to avoid capture again. In an attempt to buy time amongst the chaos of War, the three comrades soon find themselves engaged in another dark comedy.

The plot line mostly revolves around confusing identities, botched rescue efforts, and somewhat discreet and absurd plans to snatch a German tank. A comically propitious turn of events has these cowards stumble into heroism earning them the title of an amature ‘soldier’. The remaining members of the 7th company are all messes and dismantled yet the organization barely holds them at their best, which in turn makes the commune into a chaos that would send someone into fits of laughter.

Film Highlights: Major Characters

Jean Lefebvre as Pithiviers: Lefebvre shines through with his comic timing portraying the role of the composure exuding Pithiviers who throughout the movie has these elaborate silly ideas that aid him in survival during wars.

Pierre Mondy as Chaudard: The team is made functional due to Chaudard who maintains his expressionless features while harboring anger and annoyance for the rest of his team in order to portray the leadership role proposed to him yet propelling humor through his presence.

Henri Guybet as Tassin: Guybet makes sure to fill in Aldo MAccione’s shoes by being a overenthusiastic and energetic character, Tassin filling in the role seamlessly. His presence makes sure the tone of the group is never stagnant or dull.

Writing Style and Direction

The sequel enjoys the contribution of Robert Lamoureux, who is known for his dialogue-based comedic direction. His humorous touch when it comes to meals, escape planning, and miscommunication during the war is one of the crucial aspects of the film. The film has a very engaging plot and manages to avoid tedious sequences by including a number of implementations that serve the purpose of entertainment. The gags and Lamoureux’s trademark physical style, complemented by clever dialogue, ensure that the audience is not exhausted.

Discussion and Themes

War and Ridiculousness: The war is taken to be an outlandish activity, and through the eyes of an ordinary soldier the film shows the humor that most people use in order to deal with intense situations that they find themselves in.

Loyalty and Friendship: The friendship of the trio cowardly soldiers becomes the central theme of the plot. They stand by one another, even in dark times as they become troubled.

Authority: The absurd existence of soldiers is demonstrated through their illogical and absurd actions while simultaneously trying to outsmart their higher-ups and the German forces.

Critical Reception

The Seventh Company Has Been Found grossed well in France receiving a positive reception from the audience as well as the critics for the portrayal of war 2 with a comedic touch. Many reviewers found the main star’s chemistry along with Lamoureux’s flawless direction and film stylistic all commendable elements of the film. Although the characters of the film were insightful and complex, several critiques claimed the plot to be futile and unappealing which in turn muddled the reception of the other film in the series.


The French film industry regards the Seventh Company franchise as one of the ideal examples of entertainment, and the series is often quoted along with other laugh-inducing entertainment. The comedy series was followed by a succeeding installment, The Seventh Company in the Moonlight (La 7e compagnie au clair de lune) in 1977 completing the trilogy.

Final Thoughts

For all classic comedy fans, The film The Seventh Company Has Been Found will in no disappoint due to its traditional slapstick and witty humor, being interwoven with romance elements and a comedic plot of war. Through the lens of humor, the movie illustrates how average civilians handle taking charge of drastic situations. As a tribute to the French cinema, this movie indeed is an exceptional illustration of humor alongside other entertaining light war tales.

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